Influence, and the<br> Psychology of Persuasion

Influence can be a tricky thing, you want to get people to say yes to you but you also want to be able to identify when others are influencing you in unwelcome ways. First published in 1984, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion is still considered the bible for eCommerce today. Having sold over 5 million […]

Level Up with <br> BetterUp

In this week’s all-new episode, founder and CEO of BetterUp, the largest coaching platform in the world, Alexi Robichaux explains how his company uses individualized coaching, counseling, mentorship, and digital learning programs to help members grow, adapt and flourish personally and professionally.Explaining that mental health isn’t simply the absence of sickness, Alexi shares his mission […]

Andrew Yang is Back <br>& He’s Running for Mayor!

From a non-profit start-up to the national political stage, Andrew Yang is not your typical mayoral candidate. After raising nearly $40M in grassroots efforts and outlasting career politicians in the 2020 presidential race, Andrew Yang is focusing on revitalizing and rebuilding New York City after a devastating pandemic that wounded the city, in some ways, […]

How to use Tech to Take Your <br> Business to the Next Level

From a series of startups to the giant Amazon Web Services, this week’s guest, Jeff Lawson, CEO of Twilio and author of the new book Ask Your Developer: How to Harness the Power of Software Developers and Win in the 21st Century, has figured out a way to bridge the divide between developers and business […]

Diversify and Thrive <br> with Sami Gayle

You may have seen her as a little girl on Broadway or recognize her from your favorite Friday night show Blue Bloods, but Sami Gayle is more than just an actress! Singer, producer, activist, and investor, Sami has managed to seamlessly diversify both her portfolio and her career, and, in this all-new episode, she shares […]

Did you Know <br> you Can Hack People?

Did you know that like computers, people are hackable? Christopher Hadnagy, adjunct professor of Social Engineering at the University of Arizona’s NSA Design Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations and author of the new book Human Hacking: Win Friends, Influence People and Leave Them Better Off For Having Met You, is a social engineer […]

FOMO <br> and ADHD

Do you, a loved one, or any of your employees struggle with time management, organization, or decision-making? Doesimpatience triggers disproportionate anger responses? These could all be signs and symptoms of ADHD. George Sachs, a clinical psychologist specializing in ADHD, discusses how this neuro-developmental disorder may present in the workplace and how it is strongly linked […]

Can’t We All Just <br> Get Along?

What do a 22-year-old former venture capital intern and an 11-time Emmy-nominated filmmaker have in common? Political entrepreneurship. Manu Meel, CEO of BridgeUSA, and Mark Kassen, co-founder of A Starting Point (ASP), alongside actor Chris Evans, share how their organizations dedicate themselves to creating spaces and platforms to foster civic engagement and meaningful conversations across […]

Hate Giving Feedback?<br> Let’s Fix that Now

Do you hate giving feedback? Are you afraid to hurt someone’s feelings, become the bad guy, or that they won’t be open to hearing it? That’s probably because you were never taught how to give effective feedback. Dr. Therese Huston, cognitive scientist and founding director of The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at […]

Vision Science: <br>If You See Success Are You More Likely to Attain it?

Have you ever felt frustrated when trying to achieve a specific goal? Maybe you need to see success to achieve it. Dr. Emily Balcetis, Professor of Social Psychology at NYU, whose TED Talk has surpassed 4 million views, explains the biology-brain connection between what you see and what you can actually get done, also known […]