Oso Trava on Entrepreneurship in Latin America

Entrepreneurialism is not a cultural phenomenon. It is not limited to one corner of the world or an elite class of professionals. Entrepreneurship is for all.

But it certainly doesn’t look the same in every culture, in every country, or even in every city. Each professional industry and every community have their own standards, expectations, and, usually, their own established networks and practices. How does a new entrepreneur navigate all the nuances?

While you may see an entrepreneurial opportunity in another community, culture, or country, it often requires a delicate hand to successfully maneuver. While you may offer a vital service or product, if you are starting a business in a culture or country other than your own, your uphill battle of building a business could easily become an insurmountable peak.

Check out this week’s #FOMOnday where I discuss what it takes to start a business in LATAM versus in the US and the surprising differences you might not see coming.

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