Amy Gallo on <br> How to Get Along With Anyone <br> (Even the Bad People)

The author and co-host of HBR’s Women at Work talks about how to navigate all the personalities (even the tricky ones) you meet at work and in life.
Embracing your Wyrd (and your Weird) <br> with Marcus Buckingham

The co-creator of StrengthsFinder talks about how to tap into spirit to find the work you love.
Alex Amouyel Explains <br> How The Answer to Solving The World’s Biggest Problems is You

The social entrepreneur explains how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to make the world a better place.
Making Radical Curiosity Your Superpower <br> with Seth Goldenberg

The famed designer and Curiosity & Co CEO explains the unexpected power of curiosity.
How to Manage Change <br> with Entrepreneur’s EIC Jason Feifer

The Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneur magazine talks about how to manage change in a time when change is a constant.
BEST OF FOMOSAPIENS: Feeling Stressed?<br> Here’s How to Think Like a Monk

We revisit our conversation with Jay on practical tips for starting a daily meditation practice, and how doing so will bring benefits both at home and at work.
BEST OF FOMOSAPIENS: <br>The Monkey Mind vs The Monk Mind

Internet phenomenon Jay Shetty shares how he found fulfillment by learning to think like a monk – and how you can, too.
Michelle Segar <br>on How to Create Lasting Diet and Fitness Goals

Behavioral export Michelle Segar talks about how to change your diet and exercise habits – and stick with it.
Rep. Max Rose <br>Talks About What It Takes to Serve in Congress

Congressman Max Rose talks about what it’s really like to serve in Congress.
Rep. Max Rose’s <br>Entrepreneurial Take on Politics

Congressman Max Rose of New York shares his entrepreneurial take on how politics should work.